Tuesday, January 27, 2015

form 1

This is a personal 3-D printer called "Form 1" being sold for just $2,799!  Although this may seem expensive at first, this is significantly cheaper than what 3-D printers were originally sold at.  The capability of being able to quickly produce 3-D replicas of prototype or being able to print out replacement parts for objects is priceless!  I think we can all agree that they're pretty cool too!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Awesome Advertising Posters

Happy Monday everyone and I hope you all had a great weekend.  I was looking at creative advertisements and I found this add for Sky Guard.  The design is balanced very well and the humorous element of wrapping the kid in bubble wrap brings a chuckle to the viewer, making it more memorable.  It has great contrast, the red helmet standing out against the dull background and the white letters against the black background.  Overall it was done very well and clearly gets its point across!

Friday, January 23, 2015

This TV show on TNT is a continuation of the three older Librarian movies which had it's season finale last week.  It's basically a fictional story about people who work for "The Library", and they search the world for magical artifacts to prevent them from falling in the wrong hands.  The new season was done incredibly well, creating a show that was fun and light hearted.  The story takes the viewer from looking for a cursed pearl, to finding the secret of a haunted house before it can claim more victims, or finding Santa Claus (Who was kidnapped).  To those who haven't watched it, you are missing out!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sorry this had been delayed; I've been a little busy for the past few days but here are the new cards I managed to get on Saturday.  Not all of the cards I got during the event are from the new set but I'm including them anyway because they're cool!



Wednesday, January 14, 2015

This weekend I'm planning on going to a pre-release event with the new card set of Magic the Gathering, Fate Reforged and I will be posting pictures of the new cards of the set (I think somewhere around 80- 100 cards so expect tons of pictures!).  To those not familiar with these type of events, anyone can go and you pay 25$ for a prerelease box and in an hour you build a deck using the cards inside which comes with a foil (shiny) promo card.  I'll definitely be showing a picture of that one.   Pictures should be up Sunday or Monday depending on which day I go.  A couple cards from the deck list form the website to hold you over until then!
Citadel SiegeUgin, the Spirit DragonPilgrim of the FiresWarden of the First Tree

With the arrival of the new doctor, Peter Capaldi, comes the question of how season eight stands against the rest of the seasons (and doctors). (Warning: May contain spoilers)

So far, judging from season eight as a whole, it's easy to say that I definitely prefer Matt Smith to Capaldi playing the role of the doctor.  At times he seemed very one noted as compared to the dynamic Matt Smith.  BBC was trying to achieve a more grim, serious doctor and that is definitely what they achieved with his dramatic voice and constant serious tone.  Matt Smith personality was very dynamic, from a humorous childish attitude, to a more serious tone when the people he called about were in danger.  Unlike Capaldi, Matt Smith managed to achieve an obvious close bond and with the people he traveled with.  Except for a couple (bad) episodes, Peter Capaldi had his moments of glory from a bank heist and saving humanity from the Master.  Each season of Doctor Who surrounds a single idea, season five being the cracks of time, season six around "Silence will fall when the question is answered", and season seven around Clara, the "Impossible Girl", and season eight was no different.  It was a very unique idea, revolving around this heaven idea, first seen after the death of the villain in the season premier.  I loved how an old enemy, the Master, was brought back in the season finale.  Overall, it was a good season, but not as good as some previous seasons.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A large part of graphic design is the highly successful gaming industry.  This highly diverse genre includes video games, card games, board games, and many more.  A great example of an entertaining (but nerdy) card game is Magic the Gathering owned by Wizards of the Coast.  The game greatly shows how limitless the possibilities are in game design, from engaging and beautiful artworks for each of the cards.  The game rules are very user friendly in the basis in which there are basic rules which govern the game and the rest is left up to what the cards say (which is a must in any game).  A fantastic example of a group of people were able to succeed within Interactive Media.  To those who want to try the game out, visit their link  http://magic.wizards.com/en

I've been looking at digitally manipulated pictures of space on the internet and this one really caught my eye.  I love the high contrast of the picture with the bright star and the shadow of the planet not facing the sun.  The asymmetrical symmetry complements the picture very well; the sun may appear to be much smaller than the planet but it still seems to balance it nicely.  The lens flare was a very nice touch to the image, adding vibrancy and giving the sun a more realistic appearance.  Just like with the limitless possibilities space has, this picture shows the limitless potential programs such as Adobe Photoshop has.

Monday, January 5, 2015

This is a picture of Dolce Gusto Brand Coffee Brewer.  The picture represents the product incredibly well, showing of symmetrical dimensions of the coffee maker.  With the brightly colored red paint it gives off a very pleasant and cheerful mood for the viewer.  Just as an added bonus a creamy and delicious cup of coffee was added to complete the inviting appeal created by the artist.

This was a self portrait image I completed a few days ago for my AP 2D Design class.  I love the humor of the game Portal made by Valve; I decided it would be pretty cool to insert myself into a test chamber similar to the ones experienced in the game.  Everything except the walls (I copied those off the internet) I created from scratch using vector and raster tools in Adobe Photoshop.  I was even able to replicate the Aperture Science logo pretty accurately by just using the pen tool.