Thursday, May 21, 2015

Just a quick follow up on the last blog I actually found an article with Richard Garfield describing his experience with the first set, Arabian Nights.  I think it's interesting he decided to base the set off of A Thousand and One Arabian Nights, a collection of tales from the Middle East from around 800- 1300.  He checked out books from the library to connect the set as much as possible to the events. I hope you all enjoy the article as much as I did!

Hope you guys had a good week!  I've been talking about the card game Magic the Gathering and how awesome along with the application of graphic design so I present to you, the creator.  He has a wacky sense of humor and he actually ended up making a card of himself!  It's very amazing how he was able to take his idea of a nerdy card game and turn it into a huge success!  It's interesting to look the first expansion set, which he designed by himself without a design team, Arabian Nights.  It's definitely come a long way.  It's very cool to look back at the older cards and compare them to the more recent sets

Monday, May 11, 2015

With the release of the Apple iWatch, after it's anticipated release for months, here is some information you might want to know about it.  I do not personally own one so here are some basic facts pertaining to it.  It connects with your iPhone to send the user notifications from their device which is only a slight tap on the wrist.  It's very customizable with many different colors, and materials for the watch itself and the armband.  Overall I from what I read it seemed to be a device with promise and it seems to be successful.  I'll give you guys links to some articles discussing what people like, and what some didn't like about Apple's new device.

Happy Monday everyone... or is it?  There are so many ways one can express themselves in photography and the photographer must not let what people may think what is and isn't "normal" limit their creativity.  To show this I found some bizarre (but cool) photos.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Silhouettes are very awesome photos.  They withhold information from the subject in the way it's mysterious and interesting but not infuriating.  I love this photo because it has a feeling of movement and it's subject is martial arts.

I wanted to talk a little about Minecraft; we've all heard of it (hopefully) and those who have no clue what it is, there is the trailer for it!  It's widely considered the most successful game of all time due to it's popularity and it's total sale to 19,435,297 people.  At first glance it may seem a little underwhelming but it's success comes from a number of contributing factors.  First off is the public demand for different styles of games and how it has evolved over time.  Originally 8 or 16 bit games were the first type of games due to early technology which faded with the rise of 3D graphics but in the last couple of years, 16 bit games, such as Minecraft, caught the attention of many viewers.  What makes it appealing to such a wide audience of people is its versatility.  With many player made plugins and mods, people can do anything from advanced fighting to exciting pvp.  I've had Minecraft for about 2 years and I would recommend it to anyone.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The natural tool for digital manipulation always seems to be Photoshop (or Adobe Photoshop to be more specific).  I had to do a photo project, taking pictures of an event and doing simple modifications to 30 photos turned out to be very meticulous!  Instead of using Photoshop, I decided to use something I was much less familiar with, yet perfect for the job at hand.  I used Lightroom because it gave me the opportunity to modify one picture and copy the effects onto each picture with similar lighting and contrast.  It was very successful at creating the changes I needed!