Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I wanted to talk a little about Minecraft; we've all heard of it (hopefully) and those who have no clue what it is, there is the trailer for it!  It's widely considered the most successful game of all time due to it's popularity and it's total sale to 19,435,297 people.  At first glance it may seem a little underwhelming but it's success comes from a number of contributing factors.  First off is the public demand for different styles of games and how it has evolved over time.  Originally 8 or 16 bit games were the first type of games due to early technology which faded with the rise of 3D graphics but in the last couple of years, 16 bit games, such as Minecraft, caught the attention of many viewers.  What makes it appealing to such a wide audience of people is its versatility.  With many player made plugins and mods, people can do anything from advanced fighting to exciting pvp.  I've had Minecraft for about 2 years and I would recommend it to anyone.

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